by Kelly | Aug 19, 2009 | Sally Boyden
So, remember all the hush hush secrecy surrounding my discovery of the Aussie child star I obsessed over as a kid? Well, I can finally come clean, because she’s going public. Sally Boyden – aka – The Littlest Australian – has put up her latest...
by Kelly | Aug 18, 2009 | Bridget, Sally Boyden, Writing Life
Where I come from, we used to say “I’ve been buzzing around like a blue-arsed fly,” but given that I’m now in the grand old U.S. of A., I guess I have to say I’ve been hopping around like a crazy green frog. That, I suppose is my excuse...
by Kelly | Aug 15, 2009 | Bridget, Sally Boyden
I confess to doing no work today. It has been such an emotional drain. I took Bridget to the vet this morning for her surgery. She was in high spirits (although frustrated that I didn’t give her breakfast – she had to fast from midnight the night before),...
by Kelly | Jul 31, 2009 | Fear & Frazzle, Sally Boyden, Writing Life
The work week may be drawing to a close, but my body seems to think it’s already the weekend. Off to a sluggish start today after a brilliant night last night with the child star and her b/f who came round for dinner. Lots of chatting and discussing and plotting...
by Kelly | Jul 28, 2009 | Fear & Frazzle, Living in California, Sally Boyden, Writing Life
Only 3:13 p.m. but still it’s been a brilliantly productive day so far. This, despite the fact that my body is a physical wreck from yesterday’s gym class. Lots of stretching, hot showers and L-Glutamine tablets have done nothing but goad my body into...
by Kelly | Jul 26, 2009 | Fear & Frazzle, Living in California, Sally Boyden, Writing Life
FALLING OFF THE PLANET So, where have I been for the last six months? What happened to my resolve, my life, my outlook, my world? Well, a lot to be frank and none of it particularly good. I need the discipline of being answerable to something/someone, and so, dear...
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