My Blog

Eternal love and (romance writing) thanks.

Eternal love and (romance writing) thanks.

Wow! So, um... tomorrow is my birthday (because someone has to be born on the 13th - right?) - which I THINK is galvanizing me in part to write a blog post... because I'm SOOO lax at this. Although, I once read someone said they like it when blog posts are sporadic...

All hail Romance Writers of America!

All hail Romance Writers of America!

Well, it's November 29 and NaNoWriMo is winding down (as is my self-imposed NaNoEdMo). I remember being here two years ago. Ha! However, I think I can safely say while I won't have all my i's dotted and t's crossed by November 30 (in other words novel will NOT be...

Two brains are better than one

Two brains are better than one

So excited. My great, brilliant, screenwriter friend finally read my book and had LOTS of positive things to say. She also had some great critical feedback for me. I feel so blessed to have such a talented friend who was willing to read my work. Not only that, this...

I just sent my novel out! Happy Dance!

I just sent my novel out! Happy Dance!

Wow, I can't believe it. I was so inspired by my own blog a few hours earlier (wait, that came out wrong), that I completed my final edits and hit the "send" button at exactly 11:43 p.m. This means my novel is now in the hands of Becca and she will be the first person...