My Blog
Me, Margaritas and burning feet
I love Margaritas. Alas, they don\'t love me.WordRidden / Foter / CC BYI have a confession to...
Never Give Up (aka the rejection letter that made me cry tears of joy)
To blog or not to blog? That isn't the question. Honestly, I haven't blogged in so long because a) I didn't feel I had anything inspiring to say and b) I made a decision to spend more time writing, and that's what I've been doing. I've reworked and rehoned (I know not...
D is for Diaphanta
No. Not diaphanous. Diaphanta. As in a woman's name. Are there really people called Diaphanta? Well if you're a couple of Jacobean playwrights named Thomas Middleton and William Rowley then you have a character named Diaphanta. And she is a little transparent so the...
C is for Calamine Lotion
Yes, that pink, icky stuff that you dab on your skin with cotton wool to stop the needless itching/scratching from a myriad of mosquito bites or other bugs. Of course, if you grew up in my house you weren't allowed to say something "itched." 'It doesn't itch, it...
B is for Bunions
What? Bunions? Yes. Bunions. Why? Well, there I was yesterday trying NOT to figure out what my "B" blog post would be (Blogging seemed too obvious) and to keep my pantser reputation intact by waking up today and being hit with a bolt (note the 'b' in bolt) of "B"...
A-Z Blogging Challenge: A is for Anxiety
Yes, I'm doing the A-Z blogging challenge! A good way to get me to start blogging again. The A-Z is actually what it sounds like (although for me it sounds like 'Zed' whereas for Americans it sounds like 'Zee'). Either way, it's about putting up a blog post over the...
Lurching from Conference to Conference
How do I explain my lack of posting since RWA conference in August 2012? No idea. I've been busy? Writing? Doing other things? Doing both? Dealing with life? Yes. All of the above. The best things about RWA Conference are too many to mention (and let's just say I'm...
RWA Conference here I come!
Like many madcap writers, I'm gearing up for the Romance Writers of America Conference in Anaheim tomorrow. Yay! It's thrilling to take time off my day job (which is a misnomer because it really is a night job and a round the clock seven days a week job) and just...