My Blog

Me, Margaritas and burning feet

Me, Margaritas and burning feet

I love Margaritas. Alas, they don\'t love me.WordRidden / Foter / CC BYI have a confession to make. Nay, make that two confessions: 1. I love Margaritas 2. I am the world's cheapest drunk. I have no idea what got in to me today, but we decided this afternoon to go out...

P is for PKD

P is for PKD

Last week, somebody asked me 'Are you going to write about your kidneys for the letter 'K?'' I said no. I don't really want to do that. Instead, 'K' day was about Karma. However, today (yes, I'm getting in under the wire here - it's already after 6 p.m. here in Los...

O is for Ophelia

O is for Ophelia

Yes, she of Shakespeare's Hamlet. The one who's told to bugger off to a nunnery The one who goes mad and starts Hey Nonny Nonny-ing The one who drowns herself in the lake because some mad bastard treated her like crap. And no, before you say "But you promised no more...

N is for Nutella

N is for Nutella

My recent posts have been so heavy I think they've sent me into a downward spiral. As I mentioned when I started the A-Z blogging challenge, I was willing to just see where my thoughts took me each day. I have not planned a single post in advance, so I wasn't aware...

M is for Mombasa

M is for Mombasa

Okay. Well, this is weird. Creepy even. I was seriously still tossing up this morning whether or not to write about Mombasa, Kenya. Specifically that I survived an Al Qaeda suicide bombing at the Paradise Hotel on Nov. 28, 2002 in Mombasa, when 12 other people didn't....

L is for Labanotation

L is for Labanotation

... or a version thereof. If you're a ballet dancer you'll know exactly what Labanotation is. It was created by Rudolph Laban to physically document human movement, based on the belief that you can physically record every single human emotion. In its simplest form,...

K is for Karma

K is for Karma

You know that old joke: My Karma ran over my Dogma.I don't know if I really believe in Karma. Don't get me wrong. I love the concept. It would be wonderful if we lived in a world where what goes around really does come around. If we knew that people who did "bad"...