My Blog

V is for Velvet

V is for Velvet

For me, velvet is the equivalent of sandpaper or nails running down a chalkboard.  Just thinking about running my hands over velvet (right AND wrong direction) sends shivers down my spine. Why is that? Does anyone else have the same weird sensation when it comes to...

U is for Uncoordinated

U is for Uncoordinated

Yes, ladies and gentlemen, that would be me. One of the most uncoordinated people you've ever come across. In Australia if you're uncoordinated you will be forever dubbed with the taunt "Unco!" Helas, that was me in school (probably still is). The plain, unvarnished...

T is for T. S. Eliot

T is for T. S. Eliot

Not too long ago I was having dinner with some people when somehow the conversation turned to that great poet and playwright T.S. Eliot. Well, not all of the conversation. I think other people around the table were talking about other things, and though I can't...

S is for Serendipity

S is for Serendipity

Like the word nonplussed, serendipity is one of those words that is often misused and misconstrued. Today, it seems to have been watered down to the point well people employ the word to mean a case of good luck or good fortune or when something happens unexpectedly...

R is for Runcible Spoon

R is for Runcible Spoon

Of Edward Lear's The Owl and the Pussycat of course! They dined on mince and slices of quinceWhich they ate with a runcible spoon... How can you not LOVE this word, or even try and conjur up what a runcible spoon looks like? To me it appears to be wooden with oddly...

Q is for Quinoa

Q is for Quinoa

The super food! I've decided that I need to alternate super heavy posts (like PKD with lighter fare). Hence the super food, quinoa, grown in the Andes. As a vegetarian, I was delighted to stumble across this high-protein, high-fibre food. The fact that it is also...