My Blog
Retreating in order to advance
Sometimes you just have to. Retreat, that is. In order to advance. So that's...

How I learned to stop fearing fruit and eat pie
Ever felt you had an entrenched habit that couldn't be broken? I recommend the pie test: I hate cooked fruit. There. I said it. Fruit compote (aka fruit compost), fruit soup, and pies. Especially apple pies. And peach and pear and any other fruit you put in a pie....
RWA National Conference, Finalist in Contest and More…
Yes, I know. I NEVER post on this blog. Yes, I'm busy all the time. Yes, my day job keeps me working round the clock, but yes, I'm here today with some EXCITING news... As promised, I entered SIX writing competitions (I know I mentioned seven but then I realised my...
I Survived the A-Z Blogging Challenge: Did You?
I'm so excited to post my "I survived" badge here. Can't believe how tough - and how fun - it was to post every day. But it's wonderful because: a) It will motivate me to blog more regularly b) I met some great bloggers and made great friends through this and will now...
Z is for Zed
Now before you think I've taken the easy road on the final letter of this challenge, bear with me for a minute. Remember, I live in America now, where Z = Zee. But for me Z will always = Zed. I write about this because expats here tend to fall into one of two camps....
Y is for Yellow Blanket
I know my Mum reads my blog posts (hey, we all have to have a fan club and Mums make the best ones). And she's probably the only one who knows EXACTLY what I'm talking about by this headline. Major confession coming up. I was a security blanket baby (and toddler and...
X is for Xerxes
That's Xerxes I to you. NOT Xerxes II. Golly, I feel like I'm being a complete snob just mentioning him. But come on, you come up with a letter X to write about? So, no, I'm not some mad academic historian (with apologies to mad academic historians, some of whom are...
W is for Writing Contests
Finally, I have bitten the bullet and actually decided to write about what I actually do for a living... writing. It seemed a "case of the bleeding obvious" to write about writing so I thought I'd write about something specific to writing: ie/ writing contests. Up...