My Blog
An Apple A Day…
Actually that's the Apple Store, and Apple Care and my Apple Macbook Pro. But I'm getting...

Retreating in order to advance
Sometimes you just have to. Retreat, that is. In order to advance. So that's what I did last week. Went on my first ever writing retreat. Four days. The Women's Fiction Writers Association writing retreat to be specific. WFWA has been two years in...
Never Give Up (aka the rejection letter that made me cry tears of joy)
To blog or not to blog? That isn't the question. Honestly, I haven't blogged in so long because a) I didn't feel I had anything inspiring to say and b) I made a decision to spend more time writing, and that's what I've been doing. I've reworked and rehoned (I know not...
25 Memorable Moments from RWA National Conference. #RWA14.
In what has now become an annual tradition – if I did it last year and I’m now doing it this year – that makes it a tradition? No? Well, then I’m compiling once again my top 25 memorable moments from RWA14, in San Antonio, Texas. Two hotels means 2000 exhausted...
Posting From the Post Surgery Trenches
I'm recuperating from frozen shoulder (adhesive capsulitis) surgery and have been pretty useless the last 10 days or so. Mostly I'm on a pain, physical therapy, sleep cycle. It's getting better slowly, and I'm blogging about it over here at Not Another Frozen Shoulder...
Caution: Swearing Ahead
In my literary brain the title of this post would be something touching, poignant, reflective. But nope, in the real world, that's not going to happen, because I really just want to say: WTF? Hands up if you have SKYPE? And hands up if you think that when that blue...
Hug a writer today
I absolutely adore my RWA writer's group. I don't think there's a better bunch out there than the LARA gals and guys. (Well, actually I fell in love with the Austin chapter people in Atlanta at the National convention last year... so I'm sure there are other great...
Of holidays, hot springs and cold shoulders
They say a change is as good as a rest... or something like that. Well, I decided that a rest would be a good change. It was definitely time for a road trip - even if it was just an overnight one, so we headed off to the hot springs in Palm Desert/Palm Springs. The...