My Blog
I’m A Morning Person
She says... writing this at night. Not that this is any great revelation to me. I'm quite certain...

Feeling Vindicated
I was so excited to read in the Los Angeles Times (you can read the full article here) the other day that one of my favourite things is back in fashion! What is it you ask? It's (drumroll please).... butter!Yep. Butter. I (think) I eat well. I've been a vegetarian...
My dog is cancer free!
Great, great news! Bridget, who as I mentioned last week underwent surgery, just passed her biopsy test. Relief all around. Not only did they remove the entire lump and it was deemed clean, vet says that the pathology results revealed that it may not even have been...
Sally Boyden: The Littlest Australian on Youtube
So, remember all the hush hush secrecy surrounding my discovery of the Aussie child star I obsessed over as a kid? Well, I can finally come clean, because she's going public. Sally Boyden - aka - The Littlest Australian - has put up her latest song on Youtube. Sal and...
Staying on top of everything
Where I come from, we used to say "I've been buzzing around like a blue-arsed fly," but given that I'm now in the grand old U.S. of A., I guess I have to say I've been hopping around like a crazy green frog. That, I suppose is my excuse for not having written for a...
Dog days
I confess to doing no work today. It has been such an emotional drain. I took Bridget to the vet this morning for her surgery. She was in high spirits (although frustrated that I didn't give her breakfast - she had to fast from midnight the night before), I on the...
Fear, faith and finally… some work
Apologies for falling off the radar for a couple of days. Truth be told I've been busy. I finally landed a copy editing gig - phew and will be starting tomorrow (it's online and I still get to work from home). I'm plodding away at my web site, getting great help from...
Another article, another dollar (or two, three maybe?)
LoveFest article is up! Good thing too, because it proves I could actually read my notes and turn the scrawl into real words. Am back working on my site now and about to undertake Jane Boursaw's Blogging for Passion and Profit course. I think it will help with my new...