My Blog
Of holidays, hot springs and cold shoulders
They say a change is as good as a rest... or something like that. Well, I decided that a rest...

Change of Status: No, this is not a Facebook update
So I'm changing my status. Yes, indeed. Despite what you may think, this does NOT involve telling everyone on Facebook what I ate for breakfast this morning. In fact, it has nothing to do with Facebook at all. But you knew that, right? Because you read the...
I’m too clean to edit erotic fiction
... or so say Ellora's Cave. At least I think that's what they say. I applied for a copy editing position for Ellora's Cave - a site that publishes romance fiction and various forms of erotic fiction. As part of my application I was asked to fill in an extensive...
A very tall man looking for a very small child
Ah, the Interweb. The bane of my existence. Love it or loathe it, few of us can live without it, and I pretty much make my living on it. Writing, editing, researching, it's all done on my MacBook, and thanks to brilliant techie geeks who somehow know how to get all...
Writing about the pursuit of Justice – Bet Tzedek
My article on an amazing LA non-profit that provides free legal assistance to all who are needy (and these days we all are), is now up on The Jerusalem Post. Bet Tzedek is an extraordinary institution that has helped thousands of people over the years. Give it up for...
Discovery of a creative writing Yahoo group
Thanks to my dear friend Yael Unterman, I have been introduced to CRWROPPS-B - aka - Creative Writers Opportunities List - a Yahoo Group that "posts calls for submissions and contest information for writers of poetry, fiction, and creative nonfiction." I'm always...
Drumroll please… new Web site almost ready to launch
Dear All, I'm excited to say that I'm about to launch my new Web site - Scribblers on the Roof! Website is but you won't be able to access it just yet. Send submissions to or send your thoughts, views, ideas to...
Freelance writing priorities meets social media
Help! I think I'm actually having a social media meltdown. Does this not happen to anyone else? I'm so busy trying to figure out how to tweet, facebook, blogg, digg, both this blog, and get going on the dry run of my website (name and address coming very very soon,) I...