My Blog
Hug a writer today
I absolutely adore my RWA writer's group. I don't think there's a better bunch out there than the...
I’m A Morning Person
She says... writing this at night. Not that this is any great revelation to me. I'm quite certain I've always been a morning person. Even my mum says as an 18-month-old, I"d get up at 6 a.m. and go and bang on the neighbour's door and want them to come out and play;...
The Writer’s Guild and the porn industry
First Ellora's Cave and now this! What is happening in my world? So, as I innocently trawl the freelance sites for work, I come across this advertisement on Craigslist: Looking for a writer that has experience in review style writing. A good friendly tone to the...
I’ve been nominated for a Kreativ Blogger award!
KREATIV BLOGGER AWARD RULES: 1. Thank the person who nominated you for this award. 2. Copy the logo and place it on your blog. 3. Link to the person who nominated you for this award. 4. Name 7 things about yourself that people might find interesting. 5. Nominate 7...
Moriah College, my op-ed and Mrs Siderowitz
I just received my high school's alumni newsletter and apparently, an op-ed I wrote in the Washington Post's On Faith column on June 13 (which just happens to be my birthday) found it's way back to my school in Australia. It was an article in response to the Holocaust...
Literary submission guidelines: to follow or not?
When you go off to a foreign country to trek the wilds or hike a mountain in some remote, forsaken spot, people often hire a guide. That's a guide (I believe) as in someone who makes it very clear the path you should take. She doesn't suggest what might be best. She...
Losing an arm, a leg, and having three sets of twins
And you thought you were having a bad day? FedEx dropped off a lovely square, heavy package for me yesterday. The package screamed "BOOK", and sure enough it was a review copy of something called A Separate Country, by Robert Hicks. Mr. Hicks, I have discovered is the...
I’m being guilt-tripped by New York Magazine
I just received a scary yellow envelope in the mail, with big black words emblazoned across the top: PLEASE USE STAMPS INSIDE AND OPEN AT ONCE! Fear not - it's just from New York Magazine. When I joined MediaBistro four years ago, every year I'd get sent a free copy...