My Blog

Hug a writer today

Hug a writer today

I absolutely adore my RWA writer's group. I don't think there's a better bunch out there than the LARA gals and guys. (Well, actually I fell in love with the Austin chapter people in Atlanta at the National convention last year... so I'm sure there are other great...

Miep Gies: 1909-2010

Miep Gies: 1909-2010

Miep Gies has died, and I pause to honour her memory. The woman who risked her life to hide Anne Frank and her family from the Nazis never once felt she was doing anything other than the "right thing".  She never paused to consider the risk to her own life. She showed...

All Hail Jackson Pearce

All Hail Jackson Pearce

Who is Jackson Pearce, you may well ask? I certainly did the other day after a friend forwarded me a wonderful video created by this remarkable young woman about the joys of writing. Yes, Jackson Pearce is a woman. You've got to love those names that you're never...

Forging Real Relationships in a Writing Class

Forging Real Relationships in a Writing Class

Any writer worth her salt at some point grapples with the idea of whether or not to take a writing class, course, join a critique group, or spend all their money on an MFA course. Some never take them; some take one; some take dozens, and others become writing group...

Doing the NaNoWriMo Happy Dance!

Doing the NaNoWriMo Happy Dance!

Yes, I'm a winner. I just completed my 50,000 word novel with just under 90 minutes left till deadline. My official word count - 50207. Yippee!!!!! And here is my official badge to prove it. Of course, I wrote 17661 of those words TODAY. AND I have a raging sinus...

Help! I’m in NaNoWriMo hell!

Help! I’m in NaNoWriMo hell!

This is just a quickety-quick update. Well, I've been TRYING to complete my NaNoWriMo novel. I have just hit the 25,000 mark (25,091 to be exact - but who is counting - ha!). That's the good news. The bad news is that I have: 2 days 9 hours, 31 minutes and 23 , 22,...