My Blog
Never Give Up (aka the rejection letter that made me cry tears of joy)
To blog or not to blog? That isn't the question. Honestly, I haven't blogged in so long because a)...
Posting From the Post Surgery Trenches
I'm recuperating from frozen shoulder (adhesive capsulitis) surgery and have been pretty useless the last 10 days or so. Mostly I'm on a pain, physical therapy, sleep cycle. It's getting better slowly, and I'm blogging about it over here at Not Another Frozen Shoulder...
What? I’m Back? How Can This Be?
Yes, here I am writing after MONTHS of not writing. Well, that's not true. Just not writing on this blog. I was having an existential blogging crisis about the nature of this blog, so I just kind of gave up. And then I had surgery... what? Yes, foot surgery, for which...
What’s in a date?
There's been a great deal of silence on this blog, I know, since landing my gig with My site isn't due to launch till early next year as I'm flying back to London to renew my work visa shortly... so things are on hold. Meanwhile, I've been keeping busy...
Mar Vista Patch is looking to hire contributors!
As promised, WE ARE HIRING! Here's the scoop on all things Patch and who we're looking for. If you live on the Westside of Los Angeles, this is what we need: Be part of the team Freelancers and columnists: Join our team of paid freelancers, who cover news and sports,...
I have joined in Mar Vista
Finally! I can break the news. I've been away, and I've been covering crazy celebrity journalism for the New York Post, and doing editing gigs, and grieving over my darling Bridget, and awaiting the birth of my new puppy (10 days from now), but mostly I've been...
Israel Guide Dog Centre for the Blind visit
As promised, I went to the Israel Guide Dog Centre for the Blind yesterday to catch up again with Noach Braun and check out the latest at Bridget's alma mater. All the information (plus pics) are over on my other blog, which you can check out here. The centre is...
Writing from Jerusalem
I can't believe it's been so long since I last wrote. Unfortunately, I was very very busy dealing with my wonderful dog, Bridget. She got very sick and was diagnosed with inoperable osteosarcoma in her pelvis last month. I had to put her to sleep two weeks after she...