My Blog
It’s never too late to say thank you
Last week I had the privilege of meeting members of Israel's Air Force at an event I was covering...

Truly Madly Deeply conflicted over Alan Rickman’s death
Long before JK Rowling was scribbling the words that would become the juggernaut that is Harry Potter (or maybe while she was scribbling), and Severus Snape was immortalized on film by the pitch perfect Alan Rickman, I had...
Retreating in order to advance
Sometimes you just have to. Retreat, that is. In order to advance. So that's what I did last week. Went on my first ever writing retreat. Four days. The Women's Fiction Writers Association writing retreat to be specific. WFWA has been two years in...
I’m walking for Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD). Will you sponsor me?
PKD? What's that you say? I've written about it here before, extensively. I encourage you to take a look at this posting, it will answer a lot of questions. This year, I'll be taking part in the annual PKD walk to fund treatment and find a cure for this genetic,...
How I learned to stop fearing fruit and eat pie
Ever felt you had an entrenched habit that couldn't be broken? I recommend the pie test: I hate cooked fruit. There. I said it. Fruit compote (aka fruit compost), fruit soup, and pies. Especially apple pies. And peach and pear and any other fruit you put in a pie....
I’ll show you my writing space, will you show me yours?
miss_rogue / Foter / CC BY-SAAKA: A Room of One's Own. Thank you Virginia Woolf. I recently moved. Moving day itself was fairly painless. It was the six weeks of packing and shlepping and organising that were utterly brutal. But we've all been there, we've all done...
Me, Margaritas and burning feet
I love Margaritas. Alas, they don\'t love me.WordRidden / Foter / CC BYI have a confession to make. Nay, make that two confessions: 1. I love Margaritas 2. I am the world's cheapest drunk. I have no idea what got in to me today, but we decided this afternoon to go out...
Finally meeting a fellow author… in person!
As you know, I've waxed lyrical, poetical and every other "al" you can think of about the Women's Fiction Writers Association, and I can't wait for our retreat in New Mexico at the end of September. But one of the greatest things about our little (well now over 600...