I is for Iris

I is for Iris

No. Not another person’s name in my life. Not even the iris of my eye. No, this Iris is a song by The Goo Goo Dolls (a great name in and of itself). There is a lot of speculation as to the title of the song and what the song is all about. Many theories say the...
H is for Helen

H is for Helen

Of Troy? No. Of Leigh-on-Sea. (Sorry Helen. You probably weren’t expecting to land up here). ‘Never heard of it,’ I hear you say. Yes, it’s not likely.  Leigh-on-Sea is part of Southend-on-Sea in Essex, England. And it’s where my parents...
G is for Gallimaufry

G is for Gallimaufry

A mish-mash, hodgepodge, jumble. THAT is gallimaufry. And it sounds wonderful, too. Go ahead. Say it out loud. Listen to it roll off your tongue. Apparently it also means a “stew” – throw everything into the pot. I’d like to pretend I’ve...
F is for Fairies

F is for Fairies

Because every little kid believes in them, right? I’m not talking about the Tooth Fairy. Not sure I ever believed in her. I didn’t want to be associated with fairies that caused pain. Why go through the agony of a lost tooth and all that blood to be...
E is for Effervescent

E is for Effervescent

I LOVE this word. Somehow just by saying it or even reading it, I can’t help but be happy. It’s like the dancing fountain and the trolley on the tracks at the Grove in Los Angeles (not to mention there’s one of the few remaining Barnes and Noble...