Israel Guide Dog Centre for the Blind visit

Israel Guide Dog Centre for the Blind visit

As promised, I went to the Israel Guide Dog Centre for the Blind yesterday to catch up again with Noach Braun and check out the latest at Bridget’s alma mater. All the  information (plus pics) are over on my other blog, which you can check out here. The centre...
Writing from Jerusalem

Writing from Jerusalem

I can’t believe it’s been so long since I last wrote. Unfortunately, I was very very busy dealing with my wonderful dog, Bridget. She got very sick and was diagnosed with inoperable osteosarcoma in her pelvis last month. I had to put her to sleep two weeks...
How do you prioritise your writing?

How do you prioritise your writing?

Has anyone suffered from the same problem I’m currently finding myself in? I spent 11 years living in a country where access to English books, magazines etc. was limited, let alone writing magazines, outlets, classes, courses, etc.  Now I find myself in...